Join In The Dance

Refrain 1:
Join in the dance of the earth’s jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave!
Verse 1:
None on earth, no prince of power,
neither death nor life,
nothing now can ever part us from the love of christ.
Refrain 2:
Join in the dance of the earth’s jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave!
Verse 2:
Love’s triumphant day of victory
heaven opens wide.
On the tree of hope and glory
death itself has died.
Refrain 3:
Join in the dance of the earth’s jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave!
Verse 3:
Christ forever, Lord of ages,
Love beyond our dreams:
Christ, our hope of heaven's glory,
all that yet will be!
Refrain 4:
Join in the dance of the earth’s jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Saviour is risen from the grave!

Seekers Of Your Heart

Verse 1:
Until we give You first place,
until we let You begin to fill us with Your spirit, renew us from within,
nothing matters, nothing's gained.
Without Your Holy presence,
our lives are lived in vain.
Refrain 1
Lord, we want to know You,
live our lives to show You all the love we owe You.
We're seekers of Your heart.
Verse 2:
Because Your heart was broken,
because You saw the need,
because You gave so freely,
because of Calvary, we can now be called Your own.
Completed creations, filled with You alone.
Refrain 2
Lord, we want to know You,
live our lives to show You all the love we owe You.
We're seekers of Your heart.

Vine and Branches

Refrain 1:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
Verse 1
A new commandment I give you,
even as I have loved you, now love one another.
Refrain 2:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
You will bear great fruit in me.
Verse 2
No greater love is there than this,
than to lay down your life, your life for your friends.
Refrain 3:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
You will bear great fruit in me.
Verse 3
I am the living bread from heaven,
if you eat this bread you will live forever.
Refrain 4:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
You will bear great fruit in me.
Verse 4:
All those who eat my flesh and drink my blood,
remain in me and I remain in them.
Refrain 5:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
You will bear great fruit in me.
Verse 5:
The words that I have spoken are spirit and life,
they are spirit and life.
Refrain 6:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
You will bear great fruit in me.
Verse 6:
And now as I have washed your feet,
so you must do just as I have done.
Refrain 7:
I am the Vine and you the branches.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
You will bear great fruit in me.

Living God

Verse 1:
Sing praises to the living God, Glory, Alleluia.
Come, adore the Living God, Glory, Alleluia.
Though sun and moon may pass away. His word will ever stay.
His power is forevermore, glory, Alleluia.
Refrain 1:
Glory to the trinity, the undivided unity, the Father, Son, the Spirit one, from whom all life and goodness come.
Verse 2:
To the Living God we sing, Glory, Alleluia.
Let our love and praises ring, Glory, Alleluia.
To his sons he always gives his mercy and his love.
Praise him now forevermore, Glory, Alleluia.
Refrain 2:
Glory to the trinity, the undivided unity, the Father, Son, the Spirit one, from whom all life and goodness come.
Verse 3
To the God who cannot die, Glory, Alleluia.
To the Living God we cry, Glory, Alleluia.
He promised to be with us and he lives in everyone.
Love him now forevermore, Glory, Alleluia.
Refrain 3:
Glory to the trinity, the undivided unity, the Father, Son, the Spirit one, from whom all life and goodness come.

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